November 16, 2011

HTML5 Giving the Web a Facelift (Article #8)

HTML5 Games, Video Get Boost From Full-Screen API in Firefox Nightly

Ryan Paul

November 14, 2011

Firefox has allowed web applications to be able to toggle their web browsers into full-screen mode essentially stretching a single website page to fit a users screen. This will help out HTML5 coders in a way that they can code their video playbacks so that this new feature can be incorporated and work with their design. Mozilla has set up preventions for this full-screen element to go into effect on its own, it has to have the users consent. The user must first agree to a pop-up window and then be able to continue to surf the web/website.

Relevance to Class
This new feature is important now that Flash is being taken off mobile devices and perhaps clients may not want to use Flash all together on their website. This new feature helps coders incorporate this toggle between regular screen and full-screen view. This adds a special element to their design with ease. For those who are going into coding and especially those who are learning HTML5, this is important information to have.

Key Quotes
Mozilla has taken a few steps to prevent abuse of the new API. A web application can’t arbitrarily make an element full-screen without user intervention — the operation has to be initiated by a user action. The mechanism that is used to enforce that safeguard is said to work much like a pop-up blocker.