October 5, 2011

Fiery New Device (Article Review #3)

Why the Kindle Fire is No iPad Killer

John Paul Titlow

September 29th, 2011

Amazon has released their new version of their tablet called the Kindle Fire. Its retail price is $199, less than half the cost of an iPad retailing in at $499. Amazon was careful not to compare themselves to the megaminds of those in Apple as to proclaim them as the #1 tablet out to date. The device has evident differences. For one, pricing; two, screen size; three, no camera or microphone as opposed to the iPad. The Amazon Fire was designed to be just a media-consumption device meaning that browsing, video chat and gaming will not be its selling points yet promoting more activities such as reading and streaming. Customers will have access to the Amazon’s Appstore for Android. Although the Amazon Fire may be no iPad and have difficulties winning over hardcore Apple fans, one thing the Fire has that the iPad doesn’t, it supports flash.

Relevance to Class
This break through of the Amazon Fire may not be the biggest story one has heard but it worth giving it a look. We all have devices such as iPads that work wonders, but some of us cant afford it. The Amazon Fire is a great innovative way of giving consumers that foot in the door with the rest of the computer geeks. Although yes there are major differences such as it only being able to run off WiFi, I believe that this can push many people into the direction of literature. As a web based class, we obviously focus on the Internet and what it has to offer us but forgetting where it all came from. Amazon is trying to push consumers into literacy.

Key Quote
This is Amazon's first foray into offering hardware beyond a simple e-reader. Apple has been doing this for years. Not only has it amassed a rabid following of dedicated customers, but Apple has begun building out its ecosystem so that it spans devices. With iOS 5, which will go live in a few weeks, the content on Apple devices will sync wirelessly. In the latest version of Mac OS X, the desktop has started to feel more like its multitouch devices.
The more tightly Apple ties those devices together, the more challenging it will for any competitor to pluck away users from any one device. Amazon has a tablet. But Apple has a tablet that fits in perfectly with its smartphone, music player, desktops and laptops. They're even rumored to have an HDTV on the way.

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